Brain Food
Empowering our creativity with fortitude.
Setting a General Direction
Asking a creative mind to elucidate their thought process is akin to requesting one to map unexplored territory. How does one navigate without a map?
It is better to orient toward a nebulous vision that is directionally correct rather than a fixed destination. This vision serves as a north star that can iterate and change as the journey unfolds and new insights provide clarity.
As we march through life and take on roles and tasks, expectations and judgment cast an ever-growing shadow across the once-sunny landscapes of our childhood imaginings.
Where does the creative mind hide when bombarded by the pedantic moments of daily life?
The creative spirit can feel crushed by the weight of disempowering external events from national to global arenas. The sheer magnitude of life can be an overwhelming force on the emergent properties of the creative spirit, crushing the spark we seek to cultivate.
Discomfort is Momentum Calling
Innovators show the path to new; that is what we do, no matter how the odds are stacked.
The inner world is trying to live in alignment with the physical world. Finding no space to fit her natural shape, she conforms to a poorly fitting costume, struggling to move, let alone feel comfortable in her skin. This is incongruence.
This feeling is far from unique; many of us live lives of quiet desperation, confined by invisible barriers we unknowingly constructed in our minds.
Societal conditioning, circumstance, prejudice, and fear are the poisons that keep us locked in the disempowering state of contorting our lives to fit a mold shaped by external forces.
How do we find our footing, force, and power to remain dynamic, passionate, and prolific and create internal and external alignment, i.e., congruence?